EdTech in Higher Education

The Benefits and Challenges of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education

The Benefits and Challenges of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education


Open Educational Resources (OER) have become an increasingly popular topic in the field of higher education. As the cost of education continues to rise, students and educators alike are seeking alternative ways to access quality learning materials. OER offers a potential solution to this problem by providing free and open access to high-quality educational materials. However, like any new technology or approach, there are both benefits and challenges associated with OER. This article aims to explore these aspects in detail.

Benefits of OER in Higher Education

1. Cost Savings

The most obvious benefit of OER is the potential for significant cost savings. Traditional textbooks can be extremely expensive, with the average student spending hundreds of dollars per semester on required readings. OER eliminates these costs, making education more accessible to a wider range of students.


2. Accessibility

OER also improves accessibility for students with disabilities. Many OER materials are available in multiple formats, including text, audio, and video, which can be more easily adapted to meet the needs of students with different learning styles and abilities.

3. Customization

Another benefit of OER is the ability for educators to customize materials to meet the specific needs of their students. This can lead to a more engaging and effective learning experience, as educators can tailor the content to the interests and abilities of their students.

4. Collaboration and Sharing

OER promotes collaboration and sharing among educators. By using OER, educators can work together to create and improve materials, leading to a more diverse and high-quality set of resources.

5. Up-to-Date Content

Traditional textbooks can quickly become outdated, but OER can be updated more easily and frequently. This ensures that students are learning the most current information and skills.

Challenges of OER in Higher Education

1. Quality Control

One of the main challenges of OER is ensuring the quality of the materials. Since anyone can create and share OER, there can be a wide range of quality in the resources available. It can be difficult for educators and students to determine which materials are reliable and of high quality.

2. Discoverability

Another challenge is the discoverability of OER. With so many resources available online, it can be difficult for educators and students to find the best materials for their needs. There is a need for better search tools and directories to help users find high-quality OER.

3. Faculty Adoption

Faculty adoption of OER can be a challenge, as it requires a significant investment of time and effort to find, evaluate, and adapt OER materials to fit their courses. Additionally, some faculty may be resistant to change and prefer to continue using traditional textbooks and materials.

4. Legal and Licensing Issues

Understanding the legal and licensing issues surrounding OER can be complex. Educators and students need to be aware of the different types of licenses and how they affect the use and sharing of OER materials.

5. Technical Skills and Infrastructure

Using OER may require a certain level of technical skills and infrastructure. Not all students and educators may have the necessary skills or access to the technology needed to fully utilize OER.


Open Educational Resources offer many benefits to the higher education community, including cost savings, accessibility, customization, collaboration, and up-to-date content. However, there are also challenges to consider, such as quality control, discoverability, faculty adoption, legal and licensing issues, and technical skills and infrastructure. As the use of OER continues to grow, it will be important for educators, institutions, and policymakers to work together to address these challenges and maximize the potential benefits of OER in higher education.